Job Offer Manager of the Junior Research Group Ecotoxicology
The University of Bayreuth Collaborative Research Centre 1357 Microplastics Understanding the mechanisms and processes of biological effects, transport and formation: From model to complex systems as a basis for new solutions, funded by the German Research Foundation, intends to establish a new junior research group in Ecotoxicology to commence on 1 June 2020 and is therefore seeking applicants for the position
Manager of the Junior Research Group Ecotoxicology
for a fixed term of six years (initially limited to three years with an option to an extension for additional three years as a fixed-term academic civil servant A13Z).
Applicants must have received a grade of very good for a doctorate in a subject relevant to ecotoxicology. The doctorate must have been completed at least two and at most six years before the application deadline (date of the oral examination). Persons who hold fixed-term junior or comparable assistant professorships (W1/W2) are invited to apply, provided that their doctorate was completed no more than six years ago.