1st Supervisor
2nd Supervisor
General Description
About the Institute:
The National Institute of Chemistry has 331 employees (31.3.2019), of which around 292 carry out research work in 9 departments and two infrastructure centres; 149 of these have doctorates of science degrees.
Fields of activity:
Basic and applied research are oriented towards fields which are of long-term importance to both Slovenia and the world: materials research, life sciences, biotechnology, chemical engineering, structural and theoretical chemistry, analytical chemistry and environmental protection. The work is in line with priority thematic areas of the EU Research and Innovation programmes for health, climate change, energy, sustainable development and global change and quality and safety of food.
The Institute offers high-level research equipment, allowing researchers to engage in cutting edge research challenges at the world level.
Research is oriented towards the development of new technologies and products, which will help to ensure the long-term development of Slovenia and which are internationally relevant. Slovenian and foreign Industry is an important partner to the Institute in these endeavours.
74 graduate students that are currently trained at the Institute represent about 25% of the Institute’s staff, making National Institute of Chemistry one of the leading Slovenian organizations for graduate-level education and training.