General Description
UDATA GmbH is a legal small enterprise and consulting company located in south-western Germany founded in 1996. Our team of experienced scientists and educators develop and offer customised concepts for environmental education using new media applications as well as “classic” methods. This includes localised smart learning apps, online courses, citizen science approaches, target group oriented and age-related curricula, out-of-school learning activities and guided tours in technical facilities. We are experts in applying scientific datasets in various different projects, e.g., development of environmental and climate change related education concepts, climate change impact studies, freshwater research, hydrological modelling, and flood forecasting.
Key Persons and Expertise
Florian Zeitler is the acting CEO at UDATA GmbH and has been a successful project coordinator for international research and development projects. Currently, his team at UDATA consists of 12 scientists who are experts in environmental education, programming, research, communication, and design. UDATA will host the secondment of ESR13 and will be involved in training event 14.