General Description
The University of Nova Gorica aims to be a research-based, internationally established university, which recognized as a driving force of social development in the region and in a wider context. With its innovative teaching approaches in both Slovene and English, the university aims to develop teaching excellence at its contemporary study programmes, thereby securing a high level of employability to home and international students.
The university will endorse its motto Scientia vinces (“with knowledge to victory”) by providing a creative environment for researchers, professors and students, thereby enabling opportunities for top achievement results in the cutting-edge fields of science, technology and art.
The School for Environmental sciences
With the technological development of society, the prevention and remediation of environmental pollution is becoming an increasingly important issue. To understand such problems and to become actively engaged in reducing environmental pollution and eliminating its consequences demands highly educated experts with interdisciplinary knowledge.
The objective of the School of Environmental Sciences is to provide for the education of such experts on the basis of internationally comparable courses in conformity with similar programmes in Slovenia and abroad.
Key Persons and Expertise
Prof. Dr. Andrej Kržan is an associate professor at the School of Environmental Sciences at the University of Nova Gorica. His primary teaching focus are waste management issues and related environmental issues such as microplastics pollution. Andrej Kržan is also a senior scientific associate at the National Institute of Chemistry (KI), where he covers environmental aspects of polymers and plastics. Key aspects of his expertise are plastic waste, its valorisation, sustainable bioplastics and microplastics in the environment. At UoNG ESR8 will be enrolled and Andrej will co-organize the training event on polymer chemistry.
Prof. Dr. Mladen Franko is head of the Laboratory for environmental and life sciences. His expertise is in environmental uses of photonics. Prof. Dr. Matjaž Valant is dean of Faculty for Environmental Sciences. His expertise is in material science.