General Description
PlasticsEurope is one of the leading European trade associations, representing the European plastic manufacturers, with Regional Centres in Brussels, Frankfurt, London, Madrid, Milan and Paris. We are networking with European and national plastics associations and have more than 100-member companies, producing over 90% of all polymers across the EU28 member states plus Norway, Switzerland and Turkey. The European plastics industry makes a significant contribution to the welfare in Europe by enabling innovation, creating quality of life to citizens and facilitating resource efficiency and climate protection. More than 1.5 million people are working in about 60,000 companies (mainly small and medium sized companies in the converting sector) to create a turnover in excess of 340 bn EUR per year. The plastics industry includes polymer producers – represented by PlasticsEurope -, converters – represented by EuPC – and machine manufacturers – represented by EUROMAP.
Key Persons and Expertise
Dr. Ingo Sartorius is acting as Managing Director of PlasticsEurope Deutschland e.V. in Frankfurt/Main since 2008. In this function, he is Head of the Business Unit “Consumer and Environmental Affairs”. In 1996, he joined the “Verband Kunststofferzeugende Industrie e.V.” (now PlasticsEurope Deutschland e.V.) as expert of the Business Unit “Plastics and Environment”. He holds a doctorate in physical chemistry from the Technical University of Brunswick in Germany. PlasticsEurope Deutschland e.V. operates within the pan-European network of PlasticsEurope in Brussels and from Frankfurt, PlasticsEurope is acting for the Central Region, to which belong Austria, Czech Republic, Germany, Hungary, Poland, Slovakia, Slovenia and Switzerland. PE will organize the Industry day.