1st Supervisor
2nd Supervisor
General Description
Aalborg University was ranked by MIT as the best engineering university in Europe, and as number four in the world. The Department of Civil Engineering ranks within the 100 best on the QS world university ranking. A substantial part of this success is the section of Water and Environment and its ground-breaking research on microplastics analysis. The research group on microplastics (MP group) has a leading role in Denmark and is an important European player. It has this year attracted a microplastics research funding of €6.8M, of which the €2.2M is funding of the activities of the MP group. This year the MP group attracted as the principal investigator a very prestigious research centre on Marine Plastics (€2.7M), which will bind together Danish research within this topic. The MP group at AAU incorporates at the moment 8 PhD students and 2 Postdocs working full time on microplastics, as well as one full professor and one associate professor supervising the work.